Thursday, January 9, 2014

Think SMART Before You Book Your Trip!

(following up from our segment on Fox 35 News)

      In light of certain issues in the news, we were asked to give our opinions and recommendations regarding safety this morning at Fox News. In case you weren't able to see the news segment, here is what we were asked as far as our most discussed topics when conversing with a traveler. 

  Use a Travel Agent!
Most agencies have the latest or up to date information on the hottest destinations, as well as recommendations for you in regards to safety or letting you know if a particular destination has any travel conditions. A Travel Agent not put you in harm’s way, and are “with you” from the beginning to the end of your trip.
  Purchase travel cancellation and/or trip protection insurance.
For many reasons –  However, 1.  it protects your investment , 2. It assures your care in case of an emergency during your travels.

  Travel with a private guide or with an escorted group
Privately guided or group and escorted travel itinerary could be your best bet, especially if it’s the first time you’ve visited the destination.  If you plan on going back to that destination in the future, you’ll have a better understanding of the local culture and the environment.

  Resorts or destinations stays
Where and when available, many travelers will book an “all inclusive” type vacation that will have pretty much all of your desired trip plans ready for when you arrive.
For example: When you are in an “all inclusive” environment, unless you want to do a shopping trip, for example, or cultural  excursion, you don’t have to leave the resort in most cases.It is recommended that you use the services of that resort to set up any excursions.

  Research options
Steer away from or be very cautious of unknown online travel sites when booking a vacation or trip that requires more than just an airline ticket. Some of these sites can be very deceiving as far as their
information, and, it might not be as thorough as an agency can provide.

Great Escapes Travel


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